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Preparing your home to receive guests

Préparer la maison pour recevoir en 7 étapes - Bac & Panier

Preparing your home before entertaining guests can sometimes be stressful for some people, as they want everything to be perfect. To create a welcoming and comfortable environment for your visitors, here are a few ideas to help you prepare your home:

1. Cleaning the house and bathroom

Before your guests arrive, make sure your home is clean and tidy. Vacuum and clean surfaces to provide a pleasant space for your guests. Don't forget to clean the bathroom too, and make sure it's well stocked with essentials.

2. Declutter the entrance

To welcome your guests with ease, consider decluttering the entrance. Make sure there's plenty of room for guests' coats and accessories. This will facilitate their arrival and departure.

entrée organisée

3. Add extra toilet paper

To avoid embarrassment, consider providing your guests with extra toilet paper. This will allow them to feel at ease and not have to ask if they need it. You can use the Alexandra basket for this purpose.

4. Think about guest comfort

To make your home welcoming, think about the comfort of your guests. Provide extra slippers, blankets and cushions to make them feel comfortable and relaxed. A wicker basket filled with slippers is often appreciated by guests.

5. Play background music

To create a pleasant atmosphere, consider playing background music. Choose something relaxing or appropriate for the occasion to add a special touch to your reception.

6. Light candles

Candles can add a warm, soothing atmosphere to your home. Choose scented candles to create an even more pleasant atmosphere.

7. Plan activities

To keep your guests entertained, remember to plan activities. Whether it's board games, movies or lively discussions, make sure you spend quality time and create memorable moments for yourself.

By following these steps, you'll be able to prepare your home in a way that makes your guests feel welcome and at ease. Enjoy these moments of sharing and conviviality!

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